Richard Jack Lewis

Richard Jack Lewis – 1953 to 2021

Links to his 69th and 70th heavenly birthdays below.

I Love You Dad… (69th bday)

Happy Birthday Dad (70th bday)

Richard Jack Lewis: January 23, 1953 – September 18, 2021


Happy Father’s Day, Dad – Flashback to 2005 Music Mix

Dad eating a taco circa Sept 25, 1998
Dad eating a taco circa Sept 25, 1998


Here are some slide photographs of dad as a baby…




Gallery of Photos from Dad’s High School Yearbook



Slideshow of Dad’s LEO Uniforms

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Below is a gallery of images of my dad from many points along his wild-ride of a life. Below that are links to his online memorial, a very brief obituary from the local Bandera online newspaper he occasionally helped with local reporting, and links to the video of his funeral service.




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